

1 to 10 of 257
Promising cases of Forest and Landscape Restoration in Asia and the Pacific based on the Guiding Principles of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Promising cases of Forest and Landscape Restoration in Asia and the Pacific based on the Guiding Principles of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Publication date:2024-12-11
Editor(s):Mittelman, A., V. Hokka, K.C. Paudel, I Animon & A. Ioannou
The Science of Restoring Tropical Forest Ecosystems: 30 Years of Progress and Beyond

The Science of Restoring Tropical Forest Ecosystems: 30 Years of Progress and Beyond. Symposium Abstract Book

Publication date:2024-11-26
Surface sterilization and moist storage conditions for recalcitrant seeds of three Asian tree species

Surface sterilization and moist storage conditions for recalcitrant seeds of three Asian tree species

Publication date:2024-10-01
Publisher:Forest Science and Technology
Author(s):Yiamthaisong, N., A. Jampeetong & P. Tiansawat
Format:Journal Paper
Advances in forest restoration management and technology

Advances in forest restoration management and technology

Publication date:2024-09-19
Publisher:Oxford Academic
Author(s):John A. Stanturf, R. Kasten Dumroese, Stephen Elliott, Vladan Ivetic, Watit Khokthong, Michael Kleine, Mait Lang, Magnus Löf, Palle Madsen, Cindy Prescott & Timothy Young, 2024.
Format:Book Chapter
Selecting suitable tree species for direct seeding to restore forest ecosystems in Northern Thailand

Selecting suitable tree species for direct seeding to restore forest ecosystems in Northern Thailand

Publication date:2024-04-24
Publisher:Forests (MDPI)
Author(s):Naruangsri, K, W. Pathom-aree, S. Elliott & P. Tiansawat
Format:Journal Paper
BOOK REVIEW: Trees and Forests of Tropical Asia: Exploring Tapovan by Peter Ashton and David Lee. University of Chicago Press

BOOK REVIEW: Trees and Forests of Tropical Asia: Exploring Tapovan by Peter Ashton and David Lee.

Publication date:2023-12
Publisher:Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society 65(2): 100–102, 2023
Author(s):Peter Ashton, David Lee
Developing Techniques for Direct-seeding for Forest Restoration in Northern Thailand

Developing Techniques for Direct-seeding for Forest Restoration in Northern Thailand

Publication date:2023-11
Publisher:Chiangmai University
Author(s):Naruangsri, K.
Format:PhD Thesis


Publication date:2023-10
Author(s):พนิตนาถ แชนนอน
Differential seed removal, germination and seedling growth as determinants of species suitability for forest restoration by direct seeding – A case study from northern Thailand

Differential seed removal, germination and seedling growth as determinants of species suitability for forest restoration by direct seeding – A case study from northern Thailand

Publication date:2023-08-16
Publisher:Forest Ecosystems
Author(s):Naruangsri, K., P. Tiansawat, S. Elliott
Format:Journal Paper
Tree islands enhance biodiversity and functioning in oil palm landscapes

Tree islands enhance biodiversity and functioning in oil palm landscapes

Publication date:2023-05-24
Author(s):Zemp, D.C., N. Guerrero-Ramirez, F. Brambach, K. Darras, I. Grass, A. Potapov, A. Röll, I. Arimond, J. Ballauff, H. Behling, D. Berkelmann, S. Biagioni, D. Buchori, D. Craven, R. Daniel, O. Gailing, F. Ellsäßer, R. Fardiansah, N. Hennings et al.
Format:Journal Paper