
Second Growth : The Promise of Tropical Rain Forest Regeneration in the Age of Deforestation—Review

 Second Growth : The Promise of Tropical Rain Forest Regeneration in the Age of Deforestation
Hardwick, K. and S Elliott
Book review in Restoration Ecology Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 137 13
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Suggested Citation:

Hardwick, K. and S Elliott, 2016. Second Growth: The Promise of Tropical Rain Forest Regeneration in the Age of Deforestation. Book review in Restoration Ecology Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 137 13


In Second Growth, Robin Chazdon conveys the message that tropical forests are “malleable” and should be helped to achieve their maximum potential for regeneration wherever possible, for the benefit of both humans and biodiversity.

This is an upbeat tour de force, which relentlessly drives home the message that “tropical forests are dynamic and resilient.” It should be on the book shelf of anyone starting out or already working on forest dynamics and restoration ecology in the tropics—graduate students designing thesis projects, their supervisors, the planners and implementers of REDD++ projects, managers of protected areas, etc. All in all, an original and powerful work, that is likely to remain the definitive textbook in its field for many years to come.